His Princess, Their Daughter, His Wife...I am Me

Thursday, July 15, 2010


So it's Thursday night and i just finished packing Chuck's bags for Africa. I am hoping and praying that everything is in there and he doesn't head off to another country without something he needs. I made a list, and I followed the list, but how do I know I didn't leave something off the list? And I took all the advice I had gotten from previous travelers and his current team members. So I'm crossing my fingers that it's all there. Maybe I'll get a heads up Saturday night whenever they meet to pack that action packer and they think I may have left something out. But I've done what I think he needed. However...

Does that really look like enough stuff for 13 days in a foreign country?? haha I don't think it does. I mean granted I know what's all packed in there and trust me, there's tons in those three little bags, but from the picture I wonder....hmmmmmmm.

Chuck is so excited about this trip. He hasn't really shown me any nervousness yet. The only thing he keeps worrying about is his typical feeling of being unprepared for the ministry aspect of the trip. He loves to be over prepared and know exactly what is going to happen. He wants everything in order and ready to go. And that's what he has made sure is done. He has made numerous phone calls to people to make sure he has everything he needs. He has made me trips to Wally World to get all the supplies they will need for the ministries over there. He made lovely little folders for Alex and Stephanie and had a meeting them so they would all be on the same page.

However he has not really been very concerned about his personal packing. And that's where my nervousness of being unprepared comes in. Every time I ask him about something he wants or may need, he just looks like, shrugs his shoulder and says IDK. That drives me crazy, but I still everything I could to make sure he has what he needs. I threw in some extra surprises here and there that he will find throughout his trip. I wrote on and labeled almost every single bag in his luggage. And when I say label, I don't mean just writing what was in the bag, I also wrote little notes and sayings. I made him a journal for his quiet times while he's gone. I wrote many little letters throughout it and so did my parents. I completely covered it with Toy Story stickers, and taped in some different pictures of us, my parents, and A&A and MC. He had plenty of snacks I believe...lots of sweet and salty things. Lord knows he should be semi ok in the dept.

The team is going to Mozambique Africa. They will be flying out Monday morning around 10 am. They will fly to Atlanta and a have a lay over there then head on to Johannesburg and then travel into the villages where they will be ministering. I believe they will be at camp for 8-9 days. Then they'll start heading home on Saturday the 31st and arrive home around 1 pm on Sunday the 1st!! So he'll be gone a total of 13 days.

I'm going to miss him so much while he's gone. I don't get as much as sleep when he's away. But I do tend to get good sleep, just not a lot of it. I stay up really late because I hate to go to bed alone, but once I'm in bed, I'm out for the count. Don't really know how I'm able to do it, but I do. There is always a bathroom light on and music playing. My dad told me I could just stay at their house, but I think I'll just kick it here.
I will be going on a small vacation of my own while he is away. My parent's semi-annual beach trip is week after next. And my cousin is getting married in GA, so I'll be traveling with the parents for about 6 days. We'll be in GA Thursday night through Saturday evening, and then we'll be heading to Destin on Saturday. I'll be there until Wednesday. My parents will be there through the following Saturday. I'll get to spend lots of time with A&A and MC, which I'm really excited about. There will be tons of spoiling going on. But a HUGE part of me will be missing and that makes me sad. Some say I shouldn't go away while he's gone, but I couldn't stand to be here all alone with no husband and no family. So I'm surrounding myself with friends and family while he's gone.
Please be in prayer for Chuck and the team, Bro. Jeff Brewer, Jack Brewer, Myron White, Alex & Stephanie Hagan, Keitha Madrie, and Gwen Collins. I know that God is going to do great and mighty things through them all. Pray for safety, strength, and salvations to be made.



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