His Princess, Their Daughter, His Wife...I am Me

Thursday, August 12, 2010


July 24, 2010

Woke up early this morning and the Lord showed me what he would like for me to preach to the people on Tuesday night and that is about the Potter and the clay. The Lord is the potter and we are the clay. We need to follow the Lord in everything we do and let him lead our lives. The scripture I will be using is in Isiah 64:8.In a couple of minutes we will be leaving for our mission area to get ready to do our different ministries. Today I get to teach both lessons. I will be teaching the children on how the Lord parted the Red Sea and the other is how the Lord provided food.

Well both children's lessons have gone very well. The children were very attentive and excited about what was talked about. The only hard part was trying to talk but having to stop so the interpreter could tell the kids what I was saying in their language. You know I think it is funny, just like in America we try to sleep in late on Saturdays, guess what?...they do the same thing in Africa. Sense we have been here we have been starting at 9 am but today (Saturday) we started at 11 am. We also found out from the headmaster of the school in Mozambique that the children are on break and that on Monday & Tuesday we need to start later and we can only have one lesson on those days because our interpreters have to head back home to go back to seminary. So that is ok because on Tuesday we will pass out all of the clothes we have that afternoon and have our lesson that morning.

The children at this camp and in the town we are at they are just so cute. I want to keep one as our child but I know that we can't. I also can't wait to see some of these children in FL Gators & Auburn Tigers gear on Tuesday. Speaking about football, myself and Alex taught the kids our teams fight songs. A couple of the children can even do that gator chomp!!! So COOL!!!

As I'm sitting under a tree waiting for lunch to get here I'm watching the children play soccer and play football. Oh wait...kicking the football like a soccer ball and little kids are playing with a dead bird and picking its' feathers and talking to it. They even know how to play Jacks with a hole in the ground and a couple of rocks. One of the children's toys that they made was a long stick and at the end of the stick is a metal frame of a truck. It even has wheels and mudd flaps and they made a steering wheel and the top of he stick makes sound like a real truck running and even have a car tag on it with numbers. Also they have sign that says Toyota on it. One child is even playing with a metal frame of an old bicycle and just letting it roll on the ground.


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