His Princess, Their Daughter, His Wife...I am Me

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why We Do What We Do...

Well it's been awhile since I last posted anything. We've been pretty busy. There have been some days that I felt like I could barely breathe. But I must admit that it's all worth it. Whenever you get to see the smiles on kids faces it reminds you that what you're doing is making a difference somewhere!!

Since it's summertime, I've been working full time days. I go in at 7 in the morning and the best part is I get off at 3:30. It's so nice to be off in the early afternoon. We are always staying busy at work, Mondays tend to be the slowest days because we don't go a anywhere. Tuesday ~ Thursdays we go on field trips and Fridays are fitness health days. I have up 35 kids in my class. And they keep me on my toes. We've been going for about 4 weeks now, and have about 5 left.

VBS was a little over a week ago. That was a busy week as always. But full of fun and laughter. This year our theme was High Seas Expedition. We explored the mighty Love of God. We had a great group of kids and an amazing group of volunteers...youth and adults alike!!!!

Chuck leaves for camp this week. The kids are so excited about going!!! They leave tomorrow morning and come back on Thursday. They will be in Shocco Springs and attending Student Life Camp for Kids. Please be in prayer for all the kids, Bro Chuck, Michelle Henley, and Anna McDaniel as they prepare their hearts to let God do a mighty work in their lives.

Chuck also will be getting ready to head to Africa for 2 weeks. I'm a little nervous about him being gone for so long and in a foreign country. He hasn't gotten nervous yet, but I feel it's coming soon. We have to get ready to start the packing process. I've been asking many questions to those who have been, and it makes me more nervous every answer I get. But I know that God is going to do amazing things in his life and in those that he will touch while he's away.

One other thing that's being going on lately...or may i say going off!!!!! As of last Monday, I've lost 22 pounds!! And I'm finally starting to see a little bit of difference in my clothes!!! But I still got a lot further to go!!!!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A week ago.....

I found myself thinking today that one week ago yesterday we welcomed Milly-Clare into the world!!! She is so precious and so wonderful. It's so nice to sit and hold her and listen to her breathe so softly as she sleeps. It's fun to watch her make funny faces as she wakes up and smiles and yawns. And it's so fun to watch my big brother and sister-in-law just look at her with such admiration. I can see so much love for this precious baby in their eyes. We've waited a long time for this...about 15 to years to be exact...well more like 10 since they've been married. But they've been together for about 15! Congratulations to Seth and Holly on their precious baby girl!!!
I promised more photos so here you go...

We're also getting ready to celebrate the birthday of 2 other precious babies in my life!!! Avrie Leigh will be 3 in August and Ashton Taylor will be 4 in September. These two bundles of giggles and love are such a blessing to our family. Their parents have the same look in their eye that. I love to watch these two grow and learn new things. Every time we see them we see something new!!!

Life is crazy right now!!! So much going on! Work is going good. Church is amazing as always with all our precious children!! Next week is VBS...I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to share from there. And then Chuck heads off to camp just 2 short weeks after next. Then time to get him ready for Africa. I think I'll go a little stir crazy while he's gone. But I have plenty of friends to keep busy!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Just a glimpse of our precious gift from above...i'll update more later!!!!!